The Best of Massage Music

The Best of Massage Music by Tranquility Spa Universe
“Massage is a therapy for the mind, the body and the spirit…”

This album is a second in ‘The Best Of’ series. After a beautiful release, which quickly climbed up the popularity ladder and made an appearance in Top 10 of the moth chart – The Best of Spa Music – come The Best of Massage Music. Time will tell whether the second compilation meets as favorable responses as its predecessor.

Why should the new album become a bestseller as well? Well, as a dear friend of mine says: the second parts are always better from the firsts. On a more serious note, however, I would like to point out the quality of the music that will present itself to your ears if you try the ‘50 Healing Tracks Zen‘. Each and every sound on his compilation carries a message. The message speaks of peace, of hope and of new beginnings. At the same time, it speaks of no beginnings at all, as we will find that all we need is already in our grasp. The mind is a powerful tool. One we should exploit to the fullest. The specifically designed music aims to open the clotted pathways of our mind to let in the light. The world is a beautiful place and we are graced with the honor to live in it. Express your gratitude by taking care of your body and setting it at peace with the mind and heart. When all three travel a different path our inner harmony is in peril. The aim of life is to find happiness, yet happiness is not a place but a direction. Move your thoughts and heart and body in the same direction and focus on remaining whole. Deeply relaxing music of nature will help you in this quest. Listen to the ocean waves and imagine them, crushing the walls of your negative and leaving you clean on a beautiful peaceful shore. Let the water take away your tension, your doubts, unfinished thoughts and daily clutter that distracts you and makes the act of remaining relaxed impossible. It is possible. Trust me. Trust the music and let go.

For this stress shattering experience, find a calm place, where you will not be disturbed, turn off your phone, put on ‘The Best of Massage Music’ and enjoy the 50 tracks of relaxing therapy.

You can find the music on Amazon, iTunes and Spotify – the icons below will bring you to the specific site:

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The Best of Spa Music

The Best of Spa Music - Tranquility Spa Universe
“Take care of Your body. It is the only place You have to live in.”

The Best of Spa Music = 50 Tracks of amazing instrumental music. The album is one you must have under the ‘relaxation’ tab in your library!  We already made top 10 of The Company’s sales this month! If you haven’t already, you should listen to the music today. Spotify preview is free and if you wish to have the album on your device you can download it from Amazon and iTunes store at any time!

 Check out No. 6 on TOP 10 May Sales here: top-inv2

The music album is available on -line. you can find it in Amazon and iTunes Store as well as play it on Spotify:

amazon-bigitunes-bigspotify - big